Hi I'm Hilary and welcome to Trinity Breathwork. I live near the beautiful village of Haworth in West Yorkshire, UK where I offer in person and online breathwork sessions. The name Trinity Breathwork was born from the desire to return to wholeness. When we bring the body, mind and soul into balance we open up our true potential to heal what has passed and live in the present moment with open hearts and connection to our purpose.
My journey with the breath started around 20 years ago when I was suffering from a croaky voice and horrible re-flux. I was referred to a group breathwork class by my local GP. Over the next few weeks the facilitator took us through simple breathing exercise, giving us permission to breath into our bellies, which felt like a revelation! In a matter of weeks my voice had returned to normal and the re-flux had gone. I was left wondering what I had just experienced. I felt lighter and my body more relaxed. The wonder and power of the breath never left me, it was always there at the back of my mind.
20 years of life, two children and a whole lot of living passed by before I came back to the breath. It began with a deep need to connect to something bigger than myself. There was a lot of soul search and healing of wounds that were so old I wasn't sure if they were dreams or not but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't access my emotions. I was numb yet still fighting some unseen threat. The breath was always there calling me home and that is when I trusted the call and embarked on my extensive trauma informed breathwork facilitator training.
I remember the first breathwork session I felt tears roll down face and thinking....I'm alive! I am a person with a spectrum of emotions!
It is my wish to guide people back home to themselves, back into their bodies so they too can feel the aliveness within, the freedom and the joy of this beautiful thing we call being human.